114 RMG units shut


Amid labour unrest, a total of 114 garment factories in Gazipur and Ashulia industrial areas were closed yesterday, according to Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association.

Of them, 54 suspended production on “no work, no pay” basis, the trade body said.

In the afternoon, agitating workers set fire to a warehouse of Big Boss Corporation in Gazipur city’s Kashimpur area.

In another incident, several hundred workers of Partex Beverage Ltd demonstrated in front of the factory in Gazipur’s Bangla Bazar to press home their 18-point demand, including fixing a minimum wage of Tk 12,500.

Since August 31, workers have been protesting in Ashulia, Zirabo, Savar and Gazipur, home to primarily export-oriented garment factories, demanding better pay and regularisation of contractual employees.

Their other demands include payment of arrear wages, increasing allowances and benefits, and ensuring equal opportunities for employment of male and female workers.

Md Sarwar Alam, superintendent of Ashulia Industrial Police-1, said some workers of the 54 factories entered their units, but did not work. They did not take to the streets either, he added.

In Ashulia’s Palashbari area, Pearl Garments reopened yesterday after several days, but the workers refused to resume work.

A large number of army and police personnel were deployed in front of the factory to avert any trouble.

Some factories in Jamgara, Narsinghapur and Pukurpar areas were vandalised by agitating workers yesterday afternoon, leading ot their closures.

In Gazipur city’s Kashimpur, a group of workers from nearby factories set fire to the warehouse of Big Boss Corporation around 1:00pm, said Abdullah Arefin, deputy assistant director of Gazipur fire service.

A few hundred workers of Partex Beverage demonstrated in front of the factory  in Gazipur for several hours since 9:00am, said Gazipur Industrial Police Inspector Suman Mia.

Roudra Alam, general manager of Partex Beverage, said, “We could not take any initiative to meet the workers’ demands. That is why they are continuing demonstrations.”

Our correspondent in Savar and Gazipur contributed to this report.


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