1st Hajj flight with 419 pilgrims off to Jeddah

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GB news 24 desk//

The first Hajj flight of Biman Bangladesh Airlines carrying 419 Bangladeshi pilgrims took off from Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka on Saturday morning (today).

The Biman flight took off at 7am as Minister for Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism A K M Shahjahan Kamal inaugurated the first Biman Hajj flight at the Shahjalal International Airport.

According to sources, this year, a total of 1, 26,798 persons will go to Saudi Arabia for performing Hajj while of them, 6,798 will perform Hajj under government management and 1,20,000 under private management.

The return hajj flight is scheduled to begin on August 27 and will continue till September 25 while Bangladesh Biman will carry 64,967 pilgrims through 187 flights.

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