Five amici curiae say writ seeking ban on Al Jazeera unacceptable



Five of six amici curiae have told the High Court that the writ petition seeking ban on the broadcast of Al Jazeera in Bangladesh is not acceptable.
The amici curiae gave their opinions before the High Court bench of Justice Md Mozibur Rahman Miah and Justice Md Kamrul Hossain Mollah on Monday.
The five amici curiae are former attorney generals AJ Mohammad Ali, Fida M Kamal; and senior lawyers Kamal Ul Alam, Probir Neogi and Dr Shahdeen Malik.
Amicus curiae Abdul Matin Khasru said that the writ petitioner was personally and nationally aggrieved. The court may order the removal of the documentary, he added.
After the hearing on the matter, the High Court bench adjourned the hearing till Wednesday morning for hearing the attorney general AM Amin Uddin.
The Qatar-based television channel Al-Jazeera aired a documentary titled ‘All the Prime Minister’s Men’ on February 1.
Supreme Court lawyer Enamul Kabir Emon filed the writ petition on February 8, seeking directions to shut down Al Jazeera’s broadcasting and website in the country, calling it misleading and defamatory. Eight people, including the chairman of BTRC, were made respondents.
On February 10, the court announced the names of six lawyers as amici curiae to comment on a number of issues, including the admissibility of the writ.
Meanwhile, the Foreign Ministry in a statement termed the Al Jazeera report “All the Prime Minister’s Men” as “false, defamatory and a politically motivated smear campaign”.
Bangladesh Army Headquarters also strongly denounced Al Jazeera’s investigative report, saying it is part of a move to break the harmony among different government organs.

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