Police on alert over possible militant attack



Militant outfit Ansar al Islam, which has not carried out any attack since 2016, is apparently pursuing an aggressive strategy and has accordingly appointed new leaders in its military wing, counterterrorism officials said.

The outfit, which claims to be the Bangladesh chapter of the Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent, had long been looking to recruit new members and collecting funds.

It is now suspected to be planning targeted attacks again, the officials said.

Counterterrorism officials claim to have gathered this while investigating

the case of two death-row convicts — Moinul Hasan Shamim and Abu Siddiq Sohel, also military wing members of the outfit — being snatched away from police on November 20.

In a letter to the superintendents of police across the country recently, the Police Headquarters has also suspected that there might be an attack on religious sites. Officials said it may take place on Christmas eve.

According to the letter, signed by Mohammad Abdullahel Baqui, additional deputy inspector general of the PHQ’s confidential wing on December 7, a group of people, linked to the Al-Qaeda, is planning an attack, and militants have even gone on to conduct recces for “possible targets” in two districts.

The PHQ has suggested stepping up security and vigilance at all religious sites, on foreign nationals and inmates in jails, and conducting block raids and patrols.

SM Ruhul Amin, additional inspector general of the anti-terrorism unit, however, said there were no specific threats centring Christmas or New Year.

“There remains a possible threat and alert centring the two upcoming occasions. We generally remain on alert [on these days] and will be vigilant so that no untoward situation takes place,” he told The Daily Star yesterday.

Sources said Ansar Al Islam mainly follows the strategy of Al Qaeda (AQ).

Recently, some leaders and supporters of the outfit, previously known as the Ansarullah Bangla Team, have formed a new militant outfit — “Jama’atul Ansar Fil Hindal Sharqiya”.

A high official of the police, who has been tracing the steps of the AQ-inspired militant outfits, said the attack could be carried out by Ansar Al Islam or Sharqiya, as both are AQ affiliated.

Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) on December 13 arrested Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Shafiqur Rahman for his links to Sharqiya and for funding it.

The PHQ letter said a possible attack may also be led by activists of former Jamaat’s student wing — Islami Chhatra Shibir.

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