Disagreements must not harm the nation


BNP acting chairman Tarique Rahman yesterday said that there might be differences of opinion but it should not reach a point where it harms the country.

“We must be careful not to create a situation in which desires of the people get ignored,” he told a rally in Nilphamari.

The BNP, other political parties, and the people from all walks of life ousted the autocrat, Tarique said, urging everyone to unite to rebuild the country.

He also underscored the need for bringing back democracy in the country through elections.

Seeking people’s blessings, Tarique expressed his hope to return to the country soon.

Tarique was addressing the gathering at a madrasa ground in Nilphamari Sadar upazila while handing over a new house to the family of Golam Rabbani, who was killed in a “crossfire” with Rab members in 2014.

He said democratic methods are followed in developed countries while forming governments.

“To take Bangladesh forward in the coming days, it is essential to restore the democratic system. Whether it is union council, municipal, upazila, or parliamentary elections, Bangladesh must bring back the electoral process.”

The BNP second-in-command added that collective opinions will help develop the country.

“Everyone will express their opinions. But in the end, we will build the country based on the opinion of most people.”

Tarique said elections are essential for the country’s overall development, as they help bring in the capable leaders.

He stressed the importance of maintaining an electoral process, saying, “This electoral process must be maintained consistently, year after year, generation after generation, at any cost. Only then will capable leaders come … .”

“If we can remain united and committed, we will be able to move the country forward. There is a lot of work ahead. We need to increase crop production, excavate canals, overhaul the existing education system, and create employment opportunities for the unemployed youth.”

Tarique acknowledged past shortcomings of the party, saying, “Maybe we couldn’t always achieve 100 percent success due to various reasons, but we never left the people. The source of all our power is the people.”

He also shared his vision for a government that prioritises the people’s wellbeing.

“We want to form a government that will actively address the grievances and concerns of the people. To establish such a government, everyone, irrespective of their parties or opinions, must come forward.”

Tarique also alleged that the associates of the autocrat are still hiding in various parts of the country and trying to hatch conspiracies against the country.


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