All courts will be opened with physical presence from Dec: CJ



Chief Justice Syed Mahmud Hossain has said all the courts will be opened in physical presence from December next.

He revealed it at the hearing of a case at the Appellate Division on Wednesday.

The Chief Justice said all the courts will be opened in physical presence from December next. However, double work can be done at the virtual courts. “For instance, we need the Attorney General now. But, he is at the Annex Building. It requires 15 minutes for him to come. But, in virtual courts, Attorney General remains seated on the same chair, and just push the button.”

Addressing the lawyers, the Chief Justice said: “All of you favour the physical courts. I will open the physical courts from December. Besides, most of the lawyers at the Appellate Division are more than 70 years old. When they stay at home, they don’t give enough time. Barrister M Amir-ul-Islam take part in hearings staying at his own bedroom.”

He said the judiciary has no other option but to use virtual courts.

Virtual courts are needed to address the backlog in the court cases, or even the traffic jams on the streets, the chief justice said.

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