Bangladesh wants to work with US over Indo-Pacific security: Momen



Foreign minister Dr AK Abdul Momen has clarified that Dhaka wants to work with the United States (US) regarding Indo-Pacific security issue though Bangladesh gives priority on development.
This was stated on Tuesday at a foreign ministry’s statement saying that some newspapers wrongly presented report quoting the foreign minister that Bangladesh doesn’t want to work with the US over Indo-Pacific security.
Referring to the foreign minister, the statement said that Dhaka would welcome if anyone steps forward for infrastructure development or making investment here but purchasing defense goods is not a subject of priority of Bangladesh government.
Dr Momen said ensuring food, cloths, accommodation, education and healthcare are in the priority list of the government.
Mentioning that Dhaka wants a free and secured Bay of Bengal to all, the foreign minister said Bangladesh government will welcome investment initiatives of the US administration under indo-pacific issue.

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