BMANA Florida Annual Convention 2018 Held

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Bangladesh Medical Association of North America (BMANA) Florida organised its annual convention in Fort Lauderdale on 28 April. With the aim of providing a vibrant platform for the Bangladeshi Florida Physicians and giving quality medical care and services especially to the Bangladeshi Diaspora in USA, BMANA with its experienced doctors of the Bangladeshi origin has been going strong since its inception in 2006.

The annual convention was graced by the President of BMNA Hasanuz Zaman, convener Sultan Salahuddin, Secretary Ehsanul Karim, President-elect Khaza Chowdhury and cultural secretary Rokshana Sharifa.

The day long convention was participated by the members, their spouses and children. Khaza Chowdhury, President elect of BMANAin his speech said, ‘This convention is imperative in facilitating BMANAFlorida to move forward to build a congenial atmosphere among it’s members in order to better serve our Diaspora.’ Treasurer Mujibur Rahman said, ‘We are now stronger than ever before as an organization and we hope to have more members in our organization as the days come. It’s a great honor and privilege to have such brilliant Bangladeshi doctors under one umbrella in USA and the way our members have been serving the community is indeed inspiring and we feel great pride as the Bangladeshis.’

The event was wrapped up with a cultural performance by the local Bangladeshi musicians.

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