British PM to announce mass virus testing programme



British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was to announce on Monday a major testing programme in areas with the highest coronavirus infection rates as the country re-enters a system of tiered restrictions.
The prime minister was set to announce in parliament that regions classed as very high risk would be able to bring in the army to help with mass testing as part of the government’s Covid Winter Plan.
This comes after the city of Liverpool this month held England’s first city-wide testing, which the government hailed as a success leading to a “substantial fall” in cases.
The city in northwest England is now set to trial a new system of testing where contacts of those who have tested positive can take a test every day for a week and only have to isolate if they test positive, instead of immediately quarantining.
If successful, this system could be used across the country’s state-run National Health Service (NHS), in care homes and by the whole population from January, Downing Street said.
It said new measures will also focus on care home residents, who are unable to have visitors indoors due to social distancing rules.
It said that a pilot programme to test visitors in 20 care homes could roll out nationwide next month, allowing residents to have physical contact with visitors.

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