CCTV cameras will be installed in important Eidgahs: RAB chief


GBnews24 desk//

Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) Director General (DG) Benazir Ahmed today said CCTV cameras will be installed on the premises of all important Eidgahs, including the national Eidgah, to ensure security of devotees in offering their Eid prayers.

“We’ve two important events that are coming up– Eid-ul-Azha and August 15 (Mourning Day). We’ve separate plans on pre-Eid, Eid day and post-Eid. And we’re working to implement the plans,” he told a press conference at RAB’s Karwan Bazar media centre.

RAB arranged the press conference on overall security measures taken during the holy Eid-ul-Azha.

“RAB personnel have been working to ensure security of cattle sellers and buyers across the country,” the RAB chief said, adding that RAB keeps strong vigilance on cattle markets to check counterfeit notes and “ogyan party” (gang of muggers who put ointment or other substances on victims’ nose causing them senseless).

He said RAB has strengthened surveillance on launch and bus terminals and railway stations so that holidaymakers can go home safely.

“But, this year, roads and rail lines were damaged due to flood in the country’s northeastern region. That’s why vehicle movement is slow there. RAB personnel are working sincerely to make Eid journey of people smooth,” Benazir said.

Noting that there are some 42 accident-prone spots on highways in the country, he said RAB has increased monitoring to avert accidents in these areas

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