Chikoo or strawberries? Which fruit is better for weight loss and how much should you consume?



Fruits must always be a part of a healthy diet. These are perhaps Mother Nature’s sweetest and heathiest gifts. Fruits contain various nutrients that boost the body’s ability to fight infections and ward off diseases. Moreover, they aid digestion, boost metabolism and perform a variety of other functions. ‘

Interestingly, some fruits even support a weight-loss diet. And among them, strawberries and chikoo (sapodilla) or sapota find a special mention. Both these fruits are packed with essential nutrients. But which of these is more suitable for weight loss? Read on to know more.

Chickoo for weight loss and more
Strawberries for weight loss and more
How many strawberries or chikoo should you have in a day and which of these is better for weight loss?

Chickoo for weight loss and more

Chikoos aid digestion and bowel movement. The fibre in the fruit promotes metabolism, improves digestion, reduces abdominal gas and constipation issues. And a clean and a healthy bowel, in turn, aids weight loss. Moreover, Chickoo helps build a robust immune system because it contains a decent amount of Vitamin C. It also has some Iron, Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin A. This brown-coloured round fruit also removes toxins from the body and keeps it clean. It also nourishes and moisturises the skin.


These attractive red-coloured juicy fruits are packed with Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Folate, Potassium, Manganese, and Magnesium. They are fat-free, sodium-free, and cholesterol-free. Moreover, these fruits are low in calories, sugar and glycemic index but high in fibre. Hence, strawberries are ideal for a weight loss diet. These fruits also contain antioxidants that eliminate toxic waste from the body. Hence, they reduce the risk of chronic diseases. These are also good for keeping the skin healthy, soft and nourished.

How many strawberries or chikoo should you have in a day and which of these is better for weight loss?

You may consume two very small or one medium-sized chikoo a day. Too many chikoos may be detrimental to your weight loss plan. However, you can consume about seven-eight strawberries a day. So, comparatively, strawberries are better than chikoo for burning fat.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a professional healthcare provider if you have any specific questions about any medical matter.

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