China starts once-a-decade census of world’s largest population




Millions of census-takers began knocking on doors across China on Sunday for a once-a-decade head count of the world’s largest population that for the first time will use mobile apps to help crunch the massive numbers.
Around seven million community workers and volunteers will drive the two-month data-collection effort, visiting homes ranging from residential skyscrapers in downtown Shanghai to remote Tibetan mountain villages.
China conducts the census every ten years to determine population growth, movement patterns and other trends, using the findings to apportion resources for education, health, transportation, labour, elderly care and other services.
The previous tally in 2010 counted 1,339,724,852 persons, an increase of 5.83 percent, or 73,899,804 people — equal to adding more than the population of France over 10 years.
Much of the attention on this year’s census — expected to take two years to fully compile — will focus on whether it indicates any population bump from China’s relaxation of its former “one-child policy”.
The policy was introduced in the late 1970s to slow rapid population growth amid concerns over too many mouths to feed, but was relaxed four years ago to allow two children due to fears over China’s fast-ageing society and shrinking workforce.
But the change has not yet resulted in a baby boom.

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