Close to 1.6m people flee to Poland



Close to 1.6 million people (1.596 million) have fled Ukraine to Poland since the war began, the Polish Border Guard agency said on Saturday.

Not all of those refugees are thought to be currently in Poland. Maciek Duszczyk, the vice-rector for research at Warsaw University estimates about one million refugees remain in Poland, and the rest have already left for other countries.

The number of people crossing the frontier fell on Friday, down 12.5% from Thursday to 76,200, the Border Guard agency wrote on Twitter, reports BBC.

By 06:00 GMT on Saturday itself, 17,700 people had crossed, down from 25,400 during the same period on Friday.

Many of the refugees have gone to large cities in search of better employment prospects and services. Local authorities in Warsaw and Krakow say they have reached the limits of their ability to absorb the number of people without extra resources coming in.

On Friday, Warsaw’s mayor, Rafal Trzaskowski said 320,000 people fleeing the war in Ukraine had passed through the city, and about 230,000 remained, that’s equivalent to 10% of Warsaw’s population.

He said 95% of arrivals in the beginning went to stay with family or friends, but that proportion has dropped to about 70%.

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