Coronavirus: Safety tips for pregnant mothers



Being mother is a heavenly blessing of nature for women. During the nine-month journey of pregnancy, the expecting mothers tend to struggle with diverse physical and mental health issues. However, the current situation of COVID19 pandemic can make this struggle harder if pregnant women get deprived from proper care. If you are a pregnant mother you might be thinking about the probable connection between pregnancy and coronavirus. Read this article, to get your answers and know some basic precautions for pregnant mothers to avoid COVID19 infection.

Are pregnant mothers more vulnerable to COVID19?

It is yet not known if the pregnant mothers are more likely to get infected by COVID-19 disease than the general people or whether they have a higher risk of experiencing serious illness consequently. However, during the pregnancy period, women go through changes in their bodies which can enhance their chances of some infections. Pregnant mothers have a higher risk of developing severe illness if they get contracted by any viruse from Corona virus family, and other viral respiratory infections, like influenza.

If a pregnant mother has COVID19 during pregnancy, can it infect the baby?

It is currently unknown whether any risk is posed to the newborn of a pregnant mother who is suffering from COVID-19. A few reported problems show that some infants got infected by the new corona virus a few hours or days after birth. However, it is not clear if those outcomes are caused by maternal infection.

Can COVID-19 be passed from a pregnant woman to the fetus or newborn?

It is yet not known whether a pregnant mother with COVID-19 infection can pass the virus to her fetus during the period of pregnancy or giving birth. According to reliable sources, till date no newborn delivered by COVID19 infected mothers have tested positive for the same virus. The existence of new corona virus has not been found in samples of breast milk.

How can pregnant women protect themselves from getting COVID-19?

Eat a balanced diet

If a pregnant mother does not eat well, her immune system may get less efficient in protecting her body from diverse transmissible diseases whether respiratory, water borne or food borne. The baby growing inside a mother’s womb takes nutrition from the food the mother eats. Maintaining a nutritious diet is the key way to increase both mother’s and baby’s ability to fight against diseases.

Therefore, pregnant women are highly encouraged to get a diet chart from respective doctors and eat a balanced diet according to. Furthermore, pregnant women can take regular supplements, including protein, iron, calcium and vitamins (C, D and E) according to doctors’ advice. In addition, pregnant mothers are advised to consume enough water and citrus fruits to strengthen their immune naturally.

Wear masks and sanitize hands: 

Like any other individuals, pregnant mothers must maintain hygiene to prevent any viral infections. They must sanitize hands at regular intervals. Besides this, the pregnant women must wear face masks and adopt other COVID19 preventive measures after going out. Moreover, they should immediately wash hands with soup and water for at least 20 seconds after returning home.

Don’t touch face

During the current warm weather, pregnant mothers can experience sweating. In such incidents most of the people tend to touch their own faces, especially the nasal and eye areas. It can increase the chance of contracting viral infections. Therefore, if you are a pregnant mother, wear mask and try not to touch your face while visiting any place outside home.

Carry your own food and water 

Health-experts are advising people to avoid eating outside, which also applies for pregnant mothers. Expecting mothers often experience craving for food which is quite natural during their pregnancy period. However, during the pandemic situation safety should be given priority. While staying outside home, pregnant mothers should carry their own homemade meals and water to consume at regular intervals. This practice will keep their body healthy and hydrated.

Limit Exposure to Touchable surfaces 

Try not to use your dominant hand (right/left) regularly. It would be a good idea, if you can use the less preferred hand (left/right) while touching buttons, opening doors, touching surfaces, picking things, etc. You can also apply your elbow while pushing buttons, doors, or doing similar actions.

Wipe the common things and surfaces like chair-handle, tabletop, computer keyboard, computer mouse, etc with a piece of clean cloth. These simple precautions can reduce your exposure to the commonly touchable surfaces and reduce the risk of getting infected by COVID19.

Avoid Overloaded Public Transport 

The government has already set some rules for maintaining distancing in public transport. However, if you are a pregnant mother ensure you avoid any overloaded public transport. Alternatively, you can commute by CNG, CAB, or rickshaw. Wear mask before leaving home and do not ride on a vehicle, if the driver is not wearing a mask. To visit any place at a short distance from your home, you can go on foot maintaining at least 3-feet distance from the passerby.

Avoid public restrooms 

During the pregnancy period an expecting mother frequently feels the necessity using restroom, which is quite natural. If you are a pregnant mother, try to avoid using crowded public restrooms. While you are using any restroom in the office premises, make sure the commonly touchable places are disinfected at regular intervals. And, do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly after using the restroom.

Stay positive, and avoid anxiety 

If you are a pregnant mother, do not over think about the ongoing pandemic issue. As it will do no good to you or your baby except making you paranoid. Continuous anxiety can weaken your immune making you more vulnerable to diverse diseases. Therefore, you can avoid following the updates of COVID19 regularly. It may help you holding positive mindset and mental peace.

Do Some Exercises

The healthy mothers are expected to deliver healthy babies eventually. Pregnant women should be encouraged to keep exercising inside their homes. They can also go for walk in the nearest park or neighborhood maintaining safety precautions and social distancing. Besides this, to enhance physical and emotional well-being, pregnant mothers can practice some meditation and prenatal Yoga postures.

Get enough sleep

Pregnant women are highly encouraged to maintain energetic health and mind. Sleep works great in keeping the body and mind active and healthy. Many researchers have proved that getting sound sleep regularly can boost up the immunity system of a human body in an amazing way. If a pregnant mother has strong immunity, she can avoid many health problems naturally.

Regular Health Check Up 

Considering the imminent threat of COVID19 infection, the pregnant mothers should be more careful during their pregnancy period. It would be wise, to keep in touch with a health-expert or family doctor to check on their overall health situation and immunity system.

If you are a pregnant mother, do not ignore any kind of illness even if you feel it is a minor discomfort like runny nose, cough or breathing problem. Consult with respective doctors as soon as possible for further guidance.

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