DNCC uses drone to find mosquito breeding habitats


GBNews24 Desk//

Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) is using drone to search mosquitoes breeding sources on the roof of houses in the capital.
A team, led by DNCC Chief Health Officer Brigadier General Md Jobaidur Rahman, is conducting mosquito eradication drive in the capital city.
On Saturday morning, the team flew a drone from the roof of a 14th storied building in city’s Gulshan.
About the drive, Jobaidur Rahman said, “If we ask our mosquito control workers to go up to the roof of houses and identify the origin of mosquitoes then they could check two, four or maximum 10 houses. Besides, many house owners not allow them to enter the houses.”
Using a drone from the roof of a high- rise building we can check dozens of houses within an hour, he added.
The official said use of drone has made the job easier. “We are able to check the source of mosquito breeding by drone. At the same time we can to go to that building, where mosquito larvae found, immediately and conduct mosquito eradication activities there.”
Jobaidur Rahman said this is the main reason why they are using drone to speed up mosquito eradication activities.

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