France unwavering partner: Biden



President Joe Biden yesterday greeted President Emmanuel Macron at the White House with full-scale military honors and a pledge to uphold the “unwavering” US-French alliance ahead of talks on Ukraine, China and a looming trade dispute.

Service members from the marines, army, air force and even a detachment of soldiers in 18th century Revolutionary War garb paraded in front of the White House. Artillery fired off a 21-gun salute, sending puffs of white smoke into the clear, chilly December sky.

Standing on a red-carpeted podium with Macron, Biden said “France is our oldest ally, our unwavering partner in freedom’s cause.”

Like Biden, Macron noted that the two countries had stood side by side through many wars. Referring to the Western alliance helping Ukraine to confront the Russian invasion, Macron said “we need to become brothers in arms once more.”

The two presidents then met in the Oval Office for discussions on Ukraine, handling the rise of China and European fears that Biden’s economic policies will lead to a trade war.

Biden and Macron were then to give a joint press conference before winding up the day with a lavish dinner featuring French favorites of wine and cheese — but in both cases American-made.

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