Health Ministry forms probe body over Rozina’s harassment
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Tuesday formed a three-member committee led by its joint secretary Saifullah Hil Azam to investigate the incident of harassment of Rozina Islam in the Health Services Division (HSD) of the ministry.
The probe body was given three working days to submit its report to the ministry, according to ministry officials.
However, the ministry or the government hasn’t yet removed any of the accused officials, including HSD Secretary Lokman Hossain Miah, responsible for the incident.
According to Rozina Islam’s family and witnesses, HSD Secretary Lokman Hossain Miah, its additional secretary Kazi Zebunnesa Haque, deputy secretaries Dr. Shibbir Ahmed Osmani and Jakia Parveen, senior assistant secretaries Saiful Islam Bhuiyan, Mosaddeque Mehdi Imam and Sharmin Sultana are accused of the incident.
The officials turned Rozina over to the police on Monday after confining her for more than five hours to the room of Md Saiful Islam Bhuiyan, Private Secretary to the Health Services Secretary.
She was later sued under the Penal Code and Official Secrets Act for the “theft” and “photographing” of documents.
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