Hugh Jackman to return as Wolverine in ‘Deadpool 3’



Ryan Reynolds dropped the teaser of “Deadpool 3” on his Twitter account, and surprised fans with the announcement of Hugh Jackman’s return as everyone’s favourite mutant—Wolverine.

In the teaser, the Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds is seen contemplating the next instalment of his popular anti-hero series. He ends his amusing rant with “Hey Hugh, you want to play Wolverine one more time?” to which Hugh Jackman responds with a deadpan “Yeah, sure, Ryan”.


Both in real life and as their unconventional superhero personas, Reynolds and Jackman had engaged in online banter and exuded chemistry for years now.

Now it seems that the Australian actor Hugh Jackman is not over portraying the X-Men superhero, even after almost two decades of his first appearance on screen. The iconic character of Wolverine is synonymous with Hugh jackman for fans and moviegoers. Fans collectively mourned the alleged last appearance of Jackman as Wolverine, when his last standalone movie “Logan” was released back in 2017.

This particular Deadpool movie will be its first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Disney obtained the rights of using X-Men characters with its acquisition of 21st Century Fox on 2019.

“Deadpool 3” is rumoured to be released on September 2024.

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