Hypertension: This Beetroot-Spinach Juice May Help Manage Blood Pressure Levels



World Stroke Day: With heart ailments becoming more and more prevalent each year, it has become all the more important for us to focus on our diet and lifestyle to ensure a healthy heart. One needs to understand that with some basic tweaks in our diets and lifestyle can go a long way in managing heart-related conditions, including hypertension or high blood pressure – a major cause of heart strokes. One of the most common cardiovascular diseases, hypertension is a lifestyle disease that is on a constant rise across old as well as young people too. It is marked by an increase in blood pressure levels which is due to the high force of blood against the artery walls. Yet, this can be managed by a healthy and wholesome diet full of vitamins and minerals.

The upcoming winter season is full of fruit and veggies that are nutritious and may help keep our blood pressure levels in check. Beetroot and spinach are two winter vegetables that are not just brimming with nutrients but are also very versatile! And guess what? These two are also hailed by experts for their ability to manage hypertension. The vibrant, red-coloured root veggie beetroot comes with a mix of good quality fibres that are known to be good for the heart. It is also rich in potassium which is said to act as a vasodilator, negating the ill-effects of sodium. Excess of sodium in the body is said to obstruct smooth blood flow. As per research, beetroot is packed with nitrate help relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. Experts at the University of Guelph in Canada echoes the fact and says that the presence of nitrate in beetroot tends to dilate the blood vessels to reduce blood pressure levels. They said that regular intake of beetroot in moderate amount can help maintain blood pressure and ward off the risk of developing heart ailments.

Beetroot is packed with nitrate help relax blood vessels.

On the other hand Spinach, a rich source of fibre, potassium as well as lutein is known to relax our blood vessels and manage the blood pressure levels. The green leafy vegetable has a good amount of dietary magnesium that can maintain blood pressure as well.

The best way to combine the wonderful winter veggies is to juice them together! The strong pungent flavour of beetroot might not suit your taste buds but you can always spruce up a little by adding a tinge of lime to it. Here’s how you can make a wholesome glass of beetroot and spinach juice during the winter season!

World Stroke Day 2020: Beetroot-Spinach Juice Recipe For Hypertension


. Beetroot- 1 (chopped)

. Spinach- 5-6 leaves (washed, boiled and chopped)

. Lemon- 2 (juiced)


1. Let the boiled spinach cool down.

2. Take spinach and beetroot together along with lemon and blend until smooth. Add water as much as needed. Serve.

3. Avoid salt since it will only aggravate the blood pressure levels.


Try this nourishing glass of juice to manage hypertension this winter season and share your experience with us in the comments section below.

About Aanchal MathurAanchal doesn’t share food. A cake in her vicinity is sure to disappear in a record time of 10 seconds. Besides loading up on sugar, she loves bingeing on FRIENDS with a plate of momos.

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