Israel, Bahrain establish formal diplomatic ties



With the signing of an agreement, Israel and Bahrain have formally established diplomatic relations.

BBC reports, the deal – brokered by the US – was signed in the Bahrain capital, Manama, on Sunday.

For decades, most Arab states have boycotted Israel, insisting they would only establish ties after the Palestinian dispute was settled.

Bahrain is now the fourth Arab country in the Middle East – after the UAE, Egypt and Jordan – to recognise Israel since its founding in 1948.

Palestinians have condemned the diplomatic moves as a “stab in the back”.

At a ceremony in Manama on Sunday evening, Bahraini and Israeli officials signed a “joint communiqué” establishing full diplomatic relations. The two countries are now expected to open embassies.

Israeli media report that the document did not include any references to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Following the signing, Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani said in a speech that he hoped for “fruitful bilateral co-operation in every field” between the two nations.

He also called for peace in the region, including a two-state solution to the Palestinian conflict.

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