Noor Hossain Day today


Shaheed Noor Hossain Day, a red-letter day in restoration of democracy in Bangladesh, is being observed today with due solemnity.

On this day in 1987, Noor Hossain, who imprinted his bare chest and back with the slogan “Swairachar nipat jak, gonotantra mukti pak” (down with autocracy, let democracy be freed), was gunned down when police opened fire on an anti-autocracy demonstration in Dhaka’s Zero Point.

This place was renamed “Noor Hossain Chattar (square)”.

The martyrdom of Noor Hossain and others during the mass upsurge of late 1990s expedited the anti-autocracy movement.

In the face of the movement, autocratic ruler HM Ershad had to step down on December 6, 1990.

To observe the day in a befitting manner, different socio-cultural and professional organisations, as well as BNP and Anti-Discrimination Student Movement, have chalked out elaborate programmes.


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