On World Vegetarian Day 2020, check out the health benefits of embracing an all-veggie diet



Vegetarians have a wide variety of foods to choose from, and they have several reasons to embrace an all-veggie lifestyle. Today, on World Vegetarian Day, check out the health benefits of a vegetarian diet.

World Vegetarian Day: Check out the benefits of veggie diet

World Vegetarian Day: Check out the benefits of veggie diet

Key Highlights

  • World Vegetarian Day is observed annually around the globe on October 1
  • This day was initiated by the North American Vegetarian Society in collaboration with the International Vegetarian Union
  • World Vegetarian Day creates awareness about the benefits of embracing a vegetarian lifestyle and encourages people to go green


World Vegetarian Day, which is observed on October 1 annually, is an initiative by the North American Vegetarian Society supported by the International Vegetarian Union. With this day, begins the month of awareness about the benefits of going green and a vegetarian lifestyle. Today, on World Vegetarian Day, check out the health benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle.

Vegetarians have a wide variety of foods to choose from, and all of these are gifts of Mother Nature. They have a variety of reasons to embrace an all-veggie lifestyle. Some people turn vegetarians because of their love for animals and compassion for other forms of life on earth defeat their food cravings while several others choose to go green for a healthier life.

As per an article in Harvard Health Publishing, vegetarians consume less saturated fat/cholesterol and more of micronutrients derived from plant-based foods unlike those who eat meat. And owing to their choice of foods, they are less likely to develop blood pressure, cholesterol-related problems. Health research suggests that a vegetarian diet may reduce the risk of such chronic diseases.

Benefits of a vegetarian diet

Reduces the risk of chronic diseases

Animal fat and cholesterol increase the risk of diseases, therefore, by opting for a vegetarian lifestyle, one can minimise the risk of catching infections and falling sick, studies suggest.

Better weight management

Absence of animal fat, especially red meat, in the diet, may help a person in managing his/her weight better.

Good for immunity

A vegetarian diet consisting of fruits, vegetables and other plant-based foods nourishes the body with a variety of nutrients that animal-based foods lack.

Reduces the risk of cancer

According to studies, a non-vegetarian diet increased the risk of cancer, and those who followed a vegetarian lifestyle were at less risk.

Better for managing type 2 diabetes

As per research, plant-based diet aids in managing type 2 diabetes better. This is because plant-based foods are rich in fibre and other vital nutrients that help the body in regulating the blood sugar levels.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a professional healthcare provider if you have any specific questions about any medical matter.

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