Sajeeb Wazed appears online to encourage youth initiatives
Prime Minister’s ICT Adviser and CRI Chairperson Sajeeb Wazed Joy on Tuesday evening made his first appearance online after almost a year to encourage youngsters to play role as changemakers in the country to build Sonar Bangla.
From the USA, getting connected to Joy Bangla Youth Award (JBYA) 2020 event, he said the COVID-19 induced lockdown resulted in holding the award giving ceremony online, a testament of making the pledge of Digital Bangladesh a reality.
Expressing his gratitude to the youths working across the county voluntarily, he said youth must think of themselves and not always depend on the advice of seniors.
“Youth need to take initiatives,” Sajeeb Wazed said encouraging them not to always depend on the grey-haired intellectuals.
While announcing the winners, Sajeeb Wazed said the aim of Young Bangla since its inception has been to put those youth organisations on same thread and get their little efforts organised and recognized.
October 24 2019, Sajeeb Wazed appeared in “Let’s Talk” event interacting with a group of youths at ‘Youth on Politics, a session of Young Bangla with Sajeeb Wazed.
A year later, he has made his appearance online to name a group of young changemakers nominated for the Joy Bangla Youth Award.
In between this time, he has been found active urging people to follow health guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19, through social media, in a sharp contrast to making frequent appearances for hurling political rethorics , a trait common in the country’s political aspect.
This year marks the fourth edition of the ceremony and his attempt to get youths encouraged in dealing with social menaces has been paying off.
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