UNESCO’sJoint Celebration of Mujib Barsho hailed by Bangabandhu’s Bangladesh


UNESCO’s Joint Celebration of Mujib Borsho hailed by Bangabandhu’s Bangladesh

Edmonton (Canada), November 28, 2019: The decision made by UNESCO to celebrate Mujib Borsho (Year) together with Bangladesh is a well-deserved success and a step forward to brand Bangabandhu’s Bangladesh throughout the world.

Board President of Bangabandhu’s Bangladesh, Executive of the Bangaladesh Muktijudha Sangshad Canada Unit Command and editor of Diverse Edmonton Delwar Jahid issued a commendation to UNESCO and Bangladesh Government for this joint effort of celebrating Mujib Year.

The idea to celebrate Mujib Year from March 17, 2020- March 26, 2021 through various programmes making the birth centenary of Father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

UNESCO made the unanimous decision at its 40th general Assembly on November 25 2019 held at UN body’s HQ in Paris.

By this decision UNESCO has created an environment of a worldwide observance of Mujib Year to promote multiculturalism, awareness of political culture and diversity.

For the launch of this year theme Jahid proposed Bangabandhu’s Bangladesh to be an agenda and appeals for the acknowledgement. Generally, UNESCO reiterates its commitment to diversity and invites its member states to celebrate the day. Jahid urges to the Canadian Federal, provincial, municipal, educational and communities to celebrate the day.

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