World Diabetes Day 2020: 7 Super Foods To Manage Diabetes



There’s no denying the fact that diabetes is one of the most common lifestyle diseases affecting millions of people worldwide. As per the United Nations, the global prevalence of diabetes has nearly doubled since the past decade, increasing the associated risk factors like obesity, blindness, heart-disease, kidney-related issues et al. Hence, to bring awareness among people, World Diabetes Day is marked on November 14, annually. “Established in 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation with support from WHO in response to growing concerns about the health and economic threat posed by diabetes, World Diabetes Day became an official UN day in 2006,” reads a report on the World Health Organisation (WHO) website.

According to Health and Wellness Coach Preeti Rao, diabetes is a chronic disease which has no known cure. The medications and precautions that experts suggest only help to keep blood sugar level as close to normal. Hence, maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle becomes utmost important to manage diabetes.

Here are 3 expert tips to manage diabetes naturally:

  • Obesity is one of the major risk factors for diabetes. Hence, one must always look into losing excess body fat and manage weight.
  • Several studies have linked drinking water with controlled blood sugar. Moreover, proper hydration helps flush out toxins and support kidney-health.
  • Stress is another concerning factor that triggers diabetes. Hence, experts often recommend meditation, relaxation and sound sleep to keep any kind of stress at bay.

Alongside maintaining a healthy lifestyle, what further promotes diabetes management is a well-balanced food habit. Preeti Rao suggests, “One must include a variety of fruits and vegetables and a good source of fats, dietary fibre and lean protein to the diet. And avoid foods rick in trans-fat, sugar and carbs. Avoiding or maintaining carb intake may help control blood sugar level.”

Keeping this in mind, we bring you some American Diabetes Association (ADA)-suggested ‘superfoods’ that can be ideal to add in a diabetic’s diet. Read on.

Here’re 7 Diabetes-Friendly Food Options For You:


Rajma (also called kidney beans) is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fibre. It is healthy, wholesome and makes for a delicious meal. Moreover, a study published in an American Diabetes Association journal further said that kidney beans may also help to keep a check on our blood sugar level. Here’s a lip-smacking rajma recipe for you.


The benefits of almonds need no introduction. These nuts are packed with several essential nutrients and do wonders for overall health. A study, published in the journal Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders, further stated that eating almonds daily may reduce heart-risks in people with Type 2 diabetes. Keeping this in mind, we bring an almond smoothie recipe that can be a healthy inclusion to your diet.


If you have been a fan of chaas or lassi, then here’s another reason you must add it to your daily diet. Research by the scientists at the University of Cambridge showed that consuming a good amount of yogurt may reduce the risk of new-onset type 2 diabetes by 28 per cent. Here’s a delicious and diabetes-friendly kadhi patta lassi recipe for you. Click here.


Winter is almost here and fruit shops are packed with sweet and juicy oranges. This fruit not only adds taste and flavour to your winter diet but also keep you healthy and nourished to the core. It provides you with a good dose of vitamin C, fibre and potassium that helps manage diabetes. We found a healthy orange smoothie recipe for you.


Ask any health expert for a diabetes diet, spinach will be the first food ingredient in their recommendation. It is packed with fibre, folate, iron, calcium and is denoted ideal for type-1 and type-2 diabetics, as per ADA. Hence we found a super healthy dal khichdi to add to your diet.


Ragi is a great source of calcium, polyphenol, essential amino acids, iron, vitamin B and more. Hence, it is often recommended by nutritionists as a substitute for rice and wheat for managing blood sugar level. Here’s the classic ragi roti recipe for you.

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